Gintama OST

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    Dietro di te

    Non so quanti di voi conoscano Gintama, ma se non lo conoscete dovreste rimediare. Se non lo giudicate per i primi episodi idioti e andate oltre la comicità nonsense di facciata, troverete dei messaggi stupendi che fanno bene al cuore, soffrirete insieme ai personaggi e alle loro storie, e con loro vi esalterete quando sarà il momento del riscatto. Gintama è un anime che parla dell'aiutare gli altri -tra le altre cose- e che vi farà ridere, piangere, disperarsi, non arrendersi, a volte tutto insieme, per aiutare la vostra anima a risplendere.


    Sotto al video c'è un commento (che contiene spoiler) con i timestamp delle varie ost che se conoscete Gintama non può non farvi scendere una lacrimuccia:
    00:00 "The last thing i saw with my left eye........was your face"
    - Takasugi Shinsuke, Disciple and friend of Yoshida Shoyo -
    2:38 "Soyo, now I can finally go back to being simply as Shige Shige"
    - Tokugawa Shige Shige, Just an ordinary brother-
    5:50 "I'm glad I believed in you. You've lots of friends, you get along so well with everyone, and you're kind and stubborn, Nobume-san. My email has finally been delivered.
    - Sasaki Isaburo, A bad samurai but a great father -
    8:20 "I wanted to play house and cat's cradle with everyone else. I wanted to wear a pretty kimono and walk around town like everyone else. I wanted to become like you, Tae-chan..... A strong girl with a kind heart"
    - Yagyuu Kyuubei, Neither man or woman but a samurai -
    10:59 " You shouldn't apologize and you shouldn't cry either. Continue walking forward on that path you've already chosen. I love watching your back. Rough and useless but still not intimidated by anything, but what i loved the most is the kindness that reside in you guys. That why i am truly happy that i could meet such outstanding people like you and outstanding little brother like you.' brother that i am proud of"
    - Okita Mitsuba, A Loving sister -
    13:46 ""They are both chained to this town by the same thing. A promise made to a certain man. An iron vow of your own choosing. The chains of a warrior"
    - Chin Pirako, Girl on a journey to look for her long lost father-
    16:30 "Since i lost a sight of my own spirit, i couldn't fight for sensei, that man, or myself. If i could do it all over again, I.......I....would've loved to be one of you guys"
    - Oboro, First student of Shoka Sonjuku -
    18:46 "I just want to make the woman I love to be happy"
    - Hijikata Toshiro, Demonic chief with a soft heart -
    25:04 " Can you pass on my last words to my students? Without you, I would've never gotten to meet them. Without you, I would've never become Yoshida Shoyo. Thank you and I'm sorry. If possible, I would've loved to bring you together. Those kids and my pride and joy, my first student"
    - Yoshida Shoyu, A devil who become human -
    28:04 ""Isaburo, thank you for giving me such a wonderful name"
    - Imai Nobume, Girl of Faith -

    Senior Member


    Ah, ecco un'altra aggiunta alla lista infinita delle cose da vedere ... comincio a credere che morirò di vecchiaia prima di finire ahah
1 replies since 16/3/2020, 12:04   39 views